October 2012 Updates To The TMR Advanced Rare-Earth Projects Index

by Gareth Hatch on November 10, 2012 · 8 comments

in Rare Earths, Tools & Metrics

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I recently updated the list of projects on the TMR Advanced Rare-Earth Projects Index, to reflect a recently announced update to a rare-earth mineral-resource estimate. I also made some other updates. The effective date of the updates is November 10, 2012. The specifics:

  • On October 31, 2012, Quest Rare Minerals Ltd. (TSX.V:QMR, MKT:QRM) announced an updated NI 43-101-compliant mineral-resource estimate for the Strange Lake B-Zone project in Canada. According to the associated press release, 278.1 Mt of the resource is at the Indicated level @ 0.93% TREO and 214.4 Mt is at the Inferred level @ 0.85% TREO (each at a cut-off grade of 0.5% TREO). The portion of the resource at the Indicated level contains a higher-grade “Enriched Zone” of 20.0 Mt @ 1.44% TREO (previously referred to as the “Pegmatitic Spine”).

I have also updated the pricing used in the Index data, to reflect the average monthly prices for October 2012 and the moving three-year average price for separated rare-earth oxides.

FYI, TMR is tracking a total of 442 rare-earth projects in progress associated with 260 different companies in 37 different countries.

You can access the updated details via the Index page.

Disclosure: at the time of writing, Gareth Hatch holds no shares or stock options in any of the companies mentioned in this article, or in any publicly traded rare-earth company, nor is he doing paid consulting for any such company.

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1 Raelene McFadyen November 10, 2012 at 10:10 PM

Hello Gareth’ your tabling of Ree projects makes a concise summaary of data, thanks. What is the possible furure of Lynas?? I feel for the local people who don’t want to live with contamination – I certainly would not. When researching Lynas I saw no mention of radioactive substances in the ore – otherwise I would not have bought the shares. Should the govt compensate the co. and Lynas leave Malasia??

2 blackjack November 10, 2012 at 11:27 PM


it is obvious from your post that u have not read the reports from the 6 authorities that have ruled lynas as safe.

if you also look at a google map of the area you will see that there are dozens of factories and refineries (petronas being one) that operate in the same area as lynas.

the bananas in malaysia contain more radiation than lynas products and your mobile phone radiates your brain more than the bananas

3 Guy Richie November 11, 2012 at 5:35 AM

Hi Gareth,
Thanks for all the necessary information and data provided; however, do you have any idea about the ree situation in my country as i humbly asked you last time?

I am eager to get any investors in this feel if you have got some links.

4 Gareth Hatch November 11, 2012 at 9:48 AM

@Raelene McFadyen: No-one wants to see pollution and contamination in their locality, and the Malaysians have every right to scrutinize what Lynas is doing there. However, I have yet to see any evidence that the new facility in Malaysia is going to cause such pollution or contamination. On the contrary, the materials that I have seen, from a variety of third parties, indicate that this will be an exemplary facility if run properly.

@blackjack: information is key, for sure.

@Guy Richie: apologies if I missed a prior comment. Could you remind me to which country you are referring?

5 vlad November 12, 2012 at 7:21 AM

Hi Gareth! What is the prospect of the world on projects of Rare phosphogypsum in your opinion?

6 Tim Ainsworth November 12, 2012 at 9:56 PM

Hi Gareth,
Perhaps I’m confusing the terminology but I can’t reconcile your data for Lynas CLD in the first table against the recent resource upgrade from Lynas: http://www.lynascorp.com/content/upload/files/Mt_Weld_Reserve_Upgrade_Sep12_final_1148884.pdf
Re an earlier comment on Sm, note that China FOB pricing has adjusted from 75% of the Nd price to 40% since Q2. Still out of sync with China domestic so perhaps further adjustment to come.
Also following REO prices on the Lynas website the last two updates have shown a slight increase in China domestic, perhaps an encouraging sign that the trading platform and other measures are starting to have an influence. Looking forward to hearing Kingsnorth’s thoughts on demand tomorrow.

7 Gareth Hatch November 13, 2012 at 2:22 AM

@vlad: can you give some examples?

@Tim Ainsworth: my tables show the numbers for the overall resources, not any associated reserves, which are a subset of the resources, being that portion that is deemed to be economically viable.

The centralized trading platform in China is not yet up and running (technical glitches, or so they say). I’ve also not seen any of the REOs increase in price so I’m curious now as to where Lynas gets its pricing… That said, there are some interesting anomalies when you look at metal rather than oxide prices.

Sounds like you’re in Hong Kong, Tim? If so – be sure to find me and say hello.

8 vlad November 17, 2012 at 1:28 AM

Hi Gareth! What is the prospect of the world on projects of rare phosphogypsum in your opinion?

I mean, what do you know about the projects extraction of rare earths from phosphogypsum?

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