In March of last year, the Technology & Rare Earth Metals Center, based in Washington DC, hosted TREM’10, its first policy event on the subject of rare earths and other technology metals. The meeting featured keynote addresses from Congressman Mike Coffman, Assistant Secretary of Energy David Sandalow, and Dr. Marcia McNutt, Director of the US Geological Survey. TREM’10 was a great success, attended by delegates from industry, academia, government, the world of finance and all areas in between.
This year’s event once again takes place in Washington DC, during March 22-23, 2011. Scheduled to give keynote addresses are US Senator Lisa Murkowski, Dr. Cyrus Wadia, Senior Policy Advisor within the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Laurence Golborne, Minister of Mining & Energy within the Government of Chile.
TREM’11 is going to be the best event of the year for sinking your teeth into the policy issues that presently drive the rare earths and technology metals sector, and to network with industry stakeholders and influencers alike.
Jack will be speaking at the event, giving a presentation titled “Beyond the Rare Earths and Lithium, the Other Critical Technology Metals“, and I will be attending too.
You can now download a copy of the conference brochure and registration is now open. If you do decide to come along, be sure to find Jack and I to say hello!
In the meantime feel free to add a comment below if you have any questions about TREM’11 or its agenda – and we’ll see you in Washington D.C.
I hope there will be a posting and/or video of Jack’s presentation, along with event coverage from Gareth here at TMR.
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